Courtney Love ‘ordered to pay £70,000 to replace missing earrings’ topic

Courtney Love will be left with a hole in her pocket after a judge told her to pay for £70,000 of jewellery that went missing.

Courtney Love
Courtney Love claims she doesn’t know where the jewellery is (Picture: Big Pictures)

The rocker was ordered to cough up after two white gold necklaces and diamond earrings she borrowed for a children’s benefit in New York were not returned to jeweller Jacob & Co.

They were lent to her along with a ‘white gold floral mesh cuff bracelet’.

The 47-year-old widow of Nirvana star Kurt Cobain said staff at her hotel lost a bag containing the chains and earrings.

‘I don’t know what happened but Courtney doesn’t have the jewels,’ said her lawyer, James Janowitz, after the ruling in Manhattan.