Gaddafi dead: Golden gun souvenir for Libyan who found hiding tyrant topic

With his boyish grin, baseball cap and sweatshirt, he makes the most unlikely hero. Yet Mohammed al-Bibi is the man of the moment – and he has the ultimate war souvenir to prove it.

Gaddafi dead
Spoils of war: Rebels hold Gaddafi’s gold-plated pistol near the site where he was found and killed (Picture: AFP/Getty)

The tacky gold-plated pistol belonged, until midday on Thursday, to Col Muammar Gaddafi , formerly one of the most feared and hated despots on the planet.

Yet al-Bibi discovered the tyrant hiding in a drainpipe under a road in his hometown of Sirte. It was somewhat ironic, considering Col Gaddafi branded the rebels ‘rats’ throughout their recent struggle.

A moment after being found, Libya’s self-styled ‘king of kings’ surrendered. He simply said: ‘Don’t shoot.’

His plea failed and he was set upon by a vengeful mob. His last moments were captured on jerky camera phone footage. The gun was passed from one man to another, with each one shaking it in the air.

Arguments soon broke out as to who actually shot Col Gaddafi but the dispute was never going to stop Libya celebrating.

Eventually, Mr al-Bibi waved the gold-plated weapon jubilantly as he was hoisted on the shoulders of his comrades who chanted ‘Allah akbar’ – ‘God is great’.

PICTURES:See photos of graffiti depicting Col Gaddafi’s demise

PICTURES:See more photos from the day Col Gaddafi was killed in Libya